Soft Armor


Barrday is a leading supplier of innovative body armor solutions using the latest manufacturing technologies for the law enforcement and military markets.  We offer customized solutions to meet your requirements for ballistic performance, flexibility and weight. Working with you, we leverage our design expertise to develop and test ballistic packages for various military and law enforcement standards, including NIJ, CAST and VPAM. Based on our strong R&D philosophy, we work closely with our suppliers and both industrial and military institutions to be on the forefront of the latest materials technology for ballistic applications.


We offer woven and unidirectional materials utilizing aramid and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber and our proprietary resin technology to cover the full range of ballistic threats.


Our materials manufacturing and design expertise includes the following markets:

  • Law Enforcement 

  • Corrections/Spike

  • Anti-Stab and Multi-Threat Protection

  • Military/Fragment Protection


A summary of our product portfolio is included in our soft armor brochure